Saturday, February 9, 2013

Science Collides With God

As many of you know, my major in college is Early Childhood and Elementary Education ages Birth through 6th Grade. I'm currently taking a Child Development course and an Infant and Toddler Development course. The Child Dev course is the prereq for Infant/Toddler Dev but my advisor/education teacher said he thinks I can handle it and has allowed me to take them at the same time.

At this point in the semester, both classes are looking at the same time frame in the life of children: prenatal through 3 months of age. We have been watching some amazing videos that require a log in for the site the school uses. However, I've found two segments on YouTube and I'm sharing them here. (Please feel free to find the Films on Demand website and see if you are able to sign up.)

There is one such video called "Horizon: The Nine Months That Made You (from BBC Two)." It is an outrageously interesting video that relates the nine months we spend in the womb to future health problems. For instance, low birth weight but high body fat at birth will almost certainly lead to Type 2 Diabetes regardless of the choices you make as an adult. Don't dismiss this information as hooey right off the bat.

The only two segments I could find are not related to the mentioned study (I will absolutely find out all I can and share it with you), but they are interesting on their own merits.

Pre-pregnancy and prenatal care is so vital to create healthy adults. It's amazing the things that science can discover given the curiosity and drive of the human mind.

Is Our Future Determined From Birth? - Horizon: The Nine Months That Made You, BBC Two
The above video is about Dr. Barker who first made the connections between low birth weight and future health problems.

The Personality Question - Horizon: The Nine Months That Made You, BBC Two
The above video is about a doctor's study on personality from the womb to childhood. It's funny and adorable. It's also incredibly thought provoking.

Note: If the videos don't work, please let me know.

I've titled this post, "Science Collides with God" because I personally take away some spiritual implications. If you don't, that's fine. As science progresses, it continually finds itself hitting a wall of unexplainable things. As humans continue to evolve (yeah, I said it, Christian and all!), we will continue to push those boundaries between science and God. We are closer than we were in the Middle Ages and we aren't as close as we will be in 300 years.

If you are not religious or spiritual and you clicked this post anyway, thank you. I hope you enjoyed these short clips and I hope you take away how important it is to take care of our children from before they're even a twinkle in our eyes.

Ultimately, what do you think of the studies presented here?

The Nine Months That Made You: Pregnancy and Human Development. Films Media Group, 2011.Films On Demand. Web. 09 February 2013. < >.

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