Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Dance Everyday: Day #4

Today I danced just to dance!

I was happy but tired all day.

I got a burrito for dinner from my second favorite burrito place.

My son ate his whole dinner! Big wow there!

I even managed to get a couple of errands done and that always feels good.

I will get some pictures or videos of me dancing this month, I promise! In the meantime, I hope you're able to find a reason, any reason, to dance. At the very least, find a way to give someone else a reason to dance. You are all awesome, you just have to show it! And now for your viewing pleasure, a pep talk from Kid President!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Dance Everyday: Day #3


Translation: Dean Koontz gave his stamp of approval on an Odd Thomas movie. I'm so psyched I can't even stand it! He has yet to approve any movie adaptations from his books because they always veer too far from the original story. He's even paid money to get out of contracts with people who were not respecting his wishes.

I'm so stunned and excited! You must watch this trailer!

Odd Thomas Movie

Did you find a reason to dance today? Did you give someone else a reason to dance?

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Dance Everyday: Day #2

Today I danced for a few hours of peace and quiet while the kid was with his grandparents! It was lovely, I played video games and did homework. I didn't get a nap, but it's okay. :)

Did you find a reason to dance today? Did you give someone else a reason to dance today?

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Dance Every Day: Day #1

I'm not going to post every day because that would be boring and because I will never remember to do so! However, today is my first day of finding something to dance about every day.

February 1, 2014:
Today started out terribly after checking the discussion board for one of my online literature classes. The teacher had absolutely nothing nice to say about anything I wrote. All he did was tell me I did it wrong, but gave no indication of what he thought of my thoughts or points of view on the stories. That made me feel pretty crappy, let me tell you. But I vented to my sister, emailed the teacher and got a snarky reply from him. 


Oh, well. I can't make other people change, right? I can only change myself? So on went my day full of Disney Jr. on TV, Rift on my computer, and fighting my kid to take a nap.


I still found a reason to dance. I sent my son to bed late because we napped until 6pm (whoops... but, man, was it nice!). He didn't go to sleep right away but he was really quiet so I went in, got him out of bed and asked him to come to another room with me. :) He was nervous until I started asking him to dance with me. We did the Hot Dog Dance from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, the Hokey Pokey, and If You're Happy and You Know it. He thought it was hilarious and I thought it was so worth it! Afterwards I found that he'd ripped my bedclothes apart, unplugged my clock and electric blanket, and dug through my side table drawer and took out anything mildly interesting (such as my old phone and a pillow cover not out of the box yet). He was duly reprimanded (fat lot of good that does) and we both were highly disappointed.

But for ten glorious minutes we were dancing, giggling, and enjoying each other. Those are the memories we'll each keep. I hope.

Did you find a reason to dance today? Did you do something to give someone else a reason to dance?