Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The more things stay the same...

Not counting the short #OWS post I made, I left this blog hanging on a very negative note. I'd like to rectify that, but not much has changed. I am at least able to feed my child (and well) so that is a huge load off my shoulders. However, it is exceedingly difficult to find work and that is where it hurts. Rent and bills are piling up (as well as multiple overdraft charges on my bank account for one bill) and it's starting to freak me out.

I got a call the other day from a staffing/temp agency and I'm looking forward to this job (working with students on processing their loans, but not exactly call-center work, thank GOD) working out. I want it so much it scares me a little bit. Wanting something so bad seems to push it further away. I'm praying about it and psyching myself up with preparing answers to the typical interview questions. I was also sent the computer tests for the agency, so I'll be working on those tomorrow while Ick is with his grandparents.

I asked my step-mother if she would help with bills and she said, "Well your father told you at the beginning (as in, when I had my son) that you couldn't support yourself much less a child and you insisted you could. But you're kind of proving him right. You know he won't let me send you any money." This from the woman who controls the money (and has since day one over 20 years ago). Also this is the first time in over two years I've asked for anything. My "father" also said I was white trash and so was my (deceased) mother's family and that's all my kid would ever grow up to be. When I asked him for the money for a lawyer way back when I was trying to not be forced into returning to Central New York, he said, "You shouldn't have had a kid and I hope they take him away from you." Am I surprised he doesn't want to help? No. Am I surprised my step-mother isn't sending something anyway? Yes. She's sent all kinds of things for my son (her ONLY grandchild in any form, and she has her own son who is married): homemade clothes and baby blankets, toys, etc. She also sewed a t-shirt quilt for me out of a bunch of my old shirts dating back from 4th grade. Clearly she has feelings for me and Ick, but I guess not deep enough to want to help keep us from living on the street.

"Are you really that close to that?" you're probably asking. Well, I still owe on November rent, leaving us short on December's as well and my landlord is losing patience quickly. So, yes. He's threatened me more than once and this apartment doesn't even pass codes.

I want to live in a house (apartment, whatever) that is actually decent for once. No uninsulated 3rd floor sucking up my heat (and money through the electricity/gas bill), no drug-dealer neighbor who has random people in and out of the building until well after 3am, no shouting matches in the common hallway at 7am about water leaks that only the landlord can fix.... I want a home which is something I've never had.

I want a job. I want to be able to go to the craft store and the dollar store and pick out some stuff to decorate my house for the appropriate season. I want to be able to do the crafty things I enjoy but can't do when I can't even pay my regular bills. I want to be able to pay for my cell phone without worrying that I'm spending money that should be going to a different bill and hope utilities stay on long enough for me to make up the difference.

I want to go to school and get a degree (still don't know in what) so that I can move forward with my life, not just along the same lines as the last ten years. I am willing and able to do all the work, studying and showing up that school requires.

I want to be happy. That's it, in a nutshell. As much as I love staying home with my son, that's not an option for me. I don't have a trust fund or lottery winnings. I don't have a husband or boyfriend who works and is willing to let me be a housewife. I, like countless others, have to juggle a toddler (alone), full time job, full time school and all the stresses that go along with that. I'm not complaining because at least I am healthy enough to be able to accomplish all of that. I have the capabilities, strength, intelligence and responsibility; For that I am immeasurably grateful.

But it all amounts to nothing when there is so much crap going on in the world that I cannot control. I can't blame the economy on all my problems because I can name quite a few that I brought on myself. Which, in all reality, is what makes this situation even worse. I look at it as punishment for my grievous mistakes and thank God that He didn't make me suffer more (which He could have). But the longer this goes on, the harder it is to bear. I'm sure in the Bible there are references to people trying to hide their faces from God in shame. That's me right now. I tried really hard to be positive and "give it up to God," but it felt fake to me. In my heart I knew that I was serving penance for my sins and that is something you cannot give to Him. It's like your parents making you do difficult chores as punishment, but as they watch you singing and dancing your way through them because you know they pretty much let you off the hook, they maybe start to think, "Perhaps I wasn't hard enough on them. Maybe they need something more to really drive home the point that they did something wrong so that they'll finally learn they can't do what they did."

Okay, so if I'm being totally honest (which I'm not, not really), that last bit came to me as I was writing this. But it feels right. That paragraph up there is so spot on that it's creepy. I should probably write more about my life even if I don't share it publicly.

Where was I? Right, punishment... In the light of my extremely recent epiphany, I think a little more prayer is in order. I do want this job because it is full time, first shift office work; The exact thing I've been looking for. It's even a dollar more an hour than my last job, so there's another plus right there. And it's temp-to-hire which my last job was not. But instead of praying that I get this job, I can pray about whether or not I've gotten the message about what I've done wrong and how I can go about not doing it again. Then maybe I can pray that I'll get this job.

Because even if I have to work day labor at the landfill (yes, those types of jobs exist), I will do it. I will do whatever I can to put a roof over my baby's head, food on his plate, clothes on his back and toys in his hands. There is no job too "low" if it helps me provide for my child.

So now, I pray. I'd love it if you'd pray with me.

Edit: I want to say a special thank you to @skeri (aka Keri H.) for being so helpful and encouraging during this rough time for me and my little family. Being raised by a single mother gives you a special point of view, doesn't it? I'm glad we met way back in 10th grade and despite the years and distance (and the loss and subsequent regaining of our friendship), you're there for me in a way no one else has been. You're an exceptional person and I'm thankful for you more than you know.

Second edit: My sister and brother-in-law are staying with me. My sister is a stay-at-home and graciously watches my kid for me whenever I ask (rarely, out of respect) and when I work
. She'll take care of dinner, dishes, basically the domestic stuff minus my laundry, hah! My brother-in-law is a currently out of work union insulator who is collecting unemployment and, also graciously, is the one paying rent and the household bills. It can't cover everything but it still covers the basics. I'm so thankful that they are here to help and having family close by is always wonderful. Thank you for what you do for me, from the bottom of my heart.

1 comment:

  1. Continuing to pray for you all, always. Much love, many hugs.
