Thursday, September 22, 2011

Procrastination, Bad Parenting and Unemployment

I've been reading blogs by some of the lovely ladies and charming gents I've had the pleasure of "meeting" on Twitter. I've come to learn that not every single blog post needs to be four pages of passionate urging or tyrannical bitching. Apparently I'm allowed to write a short little anecdotal paragraph about my day. Hmmm...

What did I accomplish today? I cleaned up one corner of the kitchen. Just the one. See, I don't have a trash can (one of the many joys of multiple moves in one month... two months ago...) so we set a bag on an extra side table that's stuck in the corner of my kitchen between the stove and fridge. It's really not a good idea. Lots of trash ends up not in the bag: on, around and under that round side table. This morning- Okay, around noon when I woke up, I got fed up and swept all the crap up with one broom while my two year old swung the other one around. I'm really surprised he didn't break anything or give me a black eye! I got everything up and into a city garbage bag (no cans here, I have to buy individual bags at $1.50 a pop every single week) and set it up to finish being filled. I gave up after arguing with Ick about the damn broom. It is not a toy and I still stand by that! I'd have let it go, but he likes to whip it around and who knows what he'll manage to hit? And I can't very well continue to clean when he's screaming at me! I thought I'd take a break and get back to it.

It's kind of amazing how fast the day goes by when you stay up until well after 5am and you don't get up until noon. I can't do anything but laundry after "bedtime" because my neighbors are crazy and I'm not chancing waking up the holy screaming terror in the bedroom!

Let's see, what else...? Oh, right, nothing. So I watched Rio (cute, but oddly lots of loose endings there) and caught up in Cafe World (don't judge me!) and even leveled my Shadowknight in EverQuest2 since it's my last day of subscription. I read a couple of books to Ick, went grocery shopping at two different stores for all of 5 items (I mean, really).

This isn't a boring list of "What I Did Today!" It's more like, "What the hell am I doing with my time and why is my house so filthy when I hate it that way?" I'm at a total loss when it comes to time management, I can't keep a house clean to save my life and I'm a lazy procrastinator. The very worst kind. I'd rather sit on my ass and play games or read than do anything even remotely resembling adult responsibilities.

Bad Parenting:
I'm not spending as much quality time with Ick as I did when I was working. Isn't that weird? I'm around all the time yet I don't really spend much time with him. It's awful and it makes us both miserable. It's back to that time management. Oh and bad parenting. I guess it would help if I went to bed at a normal hour and didn't sleep half the day while he plays nicely in our bedroom, letting me sleep. (He really can be such a sweet boy. Just yesterday he woke me up with, "I woo-uv you!" and lots and lots of kisses!)

I'm not the person I want to be and I'm making strides towards changing that. I really do enjoy those niggling little Facebook games, but lately I'm only playing one instead of the many games I'm a part of. Taking out those distractions will be a huge help I think.

And I guess I need to apply for some jobs, huh?

(Um, what happened to "short" and "anecdotal?")

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