Birthday Boy! |
My dear, sweet boy, you turned 2 today. You’ve only been alive for 730 days, but have accomplished much, most notably my unconditional love and annoyance. You have proven to have such an awesome personality and amazing intellect.
You prefer to say words like adorable, triangle, alphabet and elephant instead of dog, cat, tree or Mama. You’re discovering the world around you and ooze enthusiasm. You saw a fan? No doubt I will hear about for the next 15 minutes. You got a boo-boo a week ago? Every time you see the scab on your knee, you mention it, point to it, tell me what it is and follow it up with, “I fall.” You’ve even learned to reprimand others when they do something you’ve been told not to do. Earlier this week Jeremy, Shaggy’s 6 year old son, was standing on my bed. You pointed to him and said, “Fall!” Yes, he will fall if he keeps standing on the bed. Yes, I had him sit down so he wouldn’t fall. You even scold yourself sometimes when you throw your toys. We can work on thinking of that before you throw them.
And the shrieking? Yeah, I’m over that. Please stop it just as soon as you realize it pisses everybody off. Me, NaNa, Uncle David, George, the folks in the 37th St Cemetery*, and everyone in the grocery store. Even the folks sitting in their cars in the parking lot. Yeah they can hear you, too, you little banshee! *There isn’t a 37th St Cemetery around here as far as I know, but you get my drift.
When you were in your “in-between” stage, no longer an infant but not quite a toddler, I lamented your lack of affection. There were no hugs, no snuggles, no kisses except at bed time. Now you are constantly saying, “Hold you!” It has got to be in the Top 3 Adorable Things You Say. You will snuggle up in my lap, rest your head on my shoulder and inform me that you are giving me hugs.
In an older blog post I talked about my anxiety about your mental development. I really should learn to listen to the experts (namely, your pediatricians) when they tell me that babies usually have a trade-off: When they are growing physically, mental growth takes a back seat and vice versa. Now you want me to read many little board books in a row and you’ll even point to things and name them. It’s so wonderful to hear you name something new! Even more amazing when I’ve never taught you the word. Just more proof you listen even when you’re pretending not to. You’ll watch an entire episode of a kids’ show and the better part of a movie (especially if it’s Disney’s “Cars”). You love to color, or as you say, “Cudders!” In addition to these wonderful mental developments, you’re a whopping 29lbs, 34in (or so, can’t exactly remember).
The day before your birthday I took you for your 3rd haircut ever. You screamed and cried, “Hold you! Hold you, Mama!” I laughed and told you that you were fine while my heart broke a little. The wonderful hairstylist talked to you, tried to get you to laugh and not once lost patience with you. Trust me; she deserved that $5 tip! However, you look so much like a little boy and not a baby that it makes me a little heart sick thinking about it. Watching your facial expressions under that shortened ‘do give me a glimpse at what a handsome young man you’re going to be. That minor chin-butt is going to help, too, believe me. Girls really dig those.
While your exuberance and education delight me, they make me sad as well. Watching you grow from newborn to infant to toddler was hard enough. Take your time as you grow into a little boy, okay? I’ll need those wet, smooshy toddler kisses a little longer.
Almost... Got it... |
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