Sunday, August 26, 2012

New Week, New Experiences

     So this is just an attempt a new post subject akin to Thirsty Thursday, Wordless Wednesday and the like. On Sundays I'd like to try to do a short post about the new things coming up in the week that's just about to start. Because this is the first and I'd like to share what new things I've been up to, here's a short list:

     -Poetry group on GoodReads: I joined a couple of weeks ago. I haven't shared any poetry yet, but I'm
anxious to!

COLLEGE! I started my second semester of college last Monday and I'm really excited about it. I'm taking 18 hours this semester including my very first education class! Week after this one I'll be contacting a school in my area for observation of a classroom! YIPE!

      -Potty training. No,
not me, I've been doing that for years now. Hah! Ick is learning the joys of using the potty: Treats for 1, a present for 2. He still shies away from doing 2 on the toilet, but I'm not worried. He really wants to go to school with me (we have a daycare!) so he's trying really hard.

3rd birthday was Saturday the 25th! It started out horrendous but got infinitely better after nap time. I hope he starts to grow out of his screaming stage soon.

      -This blog. I've put up a new template, a new description and a
new determination to get stuff written at least once a week.

     I know that today I've posted twice but both posts were pertinent and well, I came up with this idea less than an hour after posting about my font issues. I think it's a pretty cool idea. Not only can you talk about what new things are coming up, but you can talk about the new experiences from the past week that you didn't know were going to happen! Kind of like a review and then a preview. I know, genius, right?

     Well, I can't wait to see what new stuff is coming not just in my own life, but yours too! What's coming up this week that's new for you or your family?

Problems with Blogger

Okay, so Blogger probably isn't the one with the problems! I wrote this awesome post about the meaning behind the name of my blog and used a font that is not available in Blogger, so it kind of poops all over itself and some lines are the basic font and most of them are the special one. Wha...? So I'm still fighting with it, but maybe when I revamp the layout it'll work. Provided that font is supported by that template. Wow, what a pain!

Still better than having to write HTML code!

Hope to have it up soon because I think it's pretty great. I should, I'm the one who wrote it. Hah!

Edit: If you find the colors difficult on your eyes, PLEASE let me know! I happen to love the browns, oranges, reds and dark greens that come with fall but I do understand how on a computer screen those colors don't translate very well to your eyes! Feedback is encouraged! Thanks, y'all. :o)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Coming Soon...

That sounds like something exciting is coming, doesn't it? Well, it is! Okay, it already started for me, but I'm excited to share my new experiences with you. However, I'm a little swamped with all this college homework, baby! I'll be getting down to the business of blogging, or at least the writing part of blogging, later on tonight or this week. I also plan on getting one done every single week. It should slide nicely into my scheduled homework time. If I can't write, I will definitely still do a post but it'll probably just be a few pictures. Think of it as a Wordless Wednesday, but not on Wednesdays. I'm difficult like that.

Quick note: Ick's 3rd birthday is Saturday! I'm so excited for it! This is the first year that he's excited for it, too! He keeps talking about the birthday presents and birthday cake that he's going to get. That makes it a gajillion times more fun for me.

So I hope you'll keep reading. I know I have a poor track record and erratic posts, but stick with me, folks.

Fall is just around the corner.