Some parents let their kids stay up as late as they can in order to get them to sleep late in the morning. Personally, my son has a 7 to 8pm bedtime. "Why?" you may ask. Well, I still want some time to myself. When Ick takes a nap, I am either doing laundry or catching some z's myself. But after he goes to bed, that's my time to sit back, relax and just be me. I may play EverQuest2, read a book, play games on Facebook or watch TV that doesn't revolve around toys, talking animals or learning the ABC's and 123's.
While my son is asleep, I'm still Mama. I still listen for his cries in case he wakes up, I peek in on him on my way to the bathroom to hear his deep, sleeping breaths and I try to decide what to dress him in and feed him the next day. Like I said before, I'm Mama 100% of the time, but there needs to be a time when I get to be myself again.
When my son grows up and goes away to college or moves away from home, I don't want to be left adrift and lost because I don't know who I am anymore. I went through self-discovery (and still am) and don't want to have to start all over in 18 (or so) years. Also, being sure of myself and being my own person gives my son a strong figure to lean on during his adolescent years when he is trying to figure out just who he is.
I still have needs, wants, interests, likes and dislikes that extend beyond my little boy. Yes, he is the center and he is my world. But, just as there are stars and planets beyond Earth, I extend beyond my Sweet Cheeks. Even if I only have time for my books during breaks and lunches at work, so be it. If I get an adult night out once every 6 months, I can deal with that. But because I make time for myself, I am a calmer and more sane Mama the rest of the time. Knowing there are a few hours of peace and quiet at the end of the day makes any crazy, hectic, whiney day bearable.
And as for anyone who claims their job is their "adult" time? You're crazy. You still have to take care of others and it comes naturally and understandably. I myself work retail and am constantly soothing upset customers, cleaning up after kids and adults alike, and always on the move. Work is NOT the time to "be yourself," as you must be the model employee.
So find yourself a full, uninterrupted hour (at least) of "you time" and therefore find your sanity. Set a bedtime for your kids because not only is it good for you, it's good for them to have structure and rules. (Plus, it'll be much easier on all of you when the time comes for your kiddos to start school!) Read a book with more than 4 words per sentence, watch a movie that hasn't been rated G, or (for this time of year) just sit back with a glass of "adult" eggnog and turn out the lights to better enjoy the glowing Christmas tree.
Enjoy being you. Because come 6 or 7am... It's back to being Mama!